The Coffee Shop

Follow this story of a teenager and their struggle to find their self in the mess of life.

Dear Reader,
I watched “Friday the 13th” yesterday. It wasn’t as good as I was hoping for it to be. I mean, I know that is going to piss a lot of people off,but it was SO predictable. I mean, who else saw that Jason wasn’t going down that easy, and the one girl who seduces every guy except Clay, she should have been the first to die, I hated her. All-in-all it was definitely a good movie, it was definitely not as scary as I would have hoped but it was a good movie to watch. I also watched “Winchester” and “ The Conjuring” ,I watched that with my little sister a couple of weeks ago, and “Winchester” with my friends last week. “The Conjuring” was again not as scary as I thought it would be but it was still a good movie, because I got to watch my sister squirm in her chair. It probably wasn’t helpful that we were staying in a cabin… in the woods.

Sincerely yours, Author

Dear Reader,
Everyday I observe books about people just like you and I, but what we don’t have in common is that they live in worlds where everything is perfect and imperfect at the same time. Worlds where love is both possible and impossible at the same time. In a book a person can be a demon, a fairy, a giant, etc. Literally anything the author can come up with. In school, I observe people who are bullied, envied, ignored, and worshiped. I am one of the ones who is ignored. Although my brother and sister like to stand out in the crowd, I like to stick to the shadows. That is where I stay. I listen to people, to music, to anything and anyone around me. I listen to music where people just like me spill their guts out in three-minute long recordings that are going to all the people of the world. I wish I had the confidence to do it but I don’t, writing is easier. It’s like all the words I want to use can be surpassed by a better, more precise word that I don't have to worry about fitting into a song or miss pronouncing it in a sentence.

Sincerely yours, Author